Before you start using GeoSign to create signs, it's important to understand how to use the Source Setting.


When 'CURVE / MESH' is enabled, GeoSign will use items starting with '(Mesh)' as the source. When it's disabled, items starting with '(Curve)' are used.



if 'OBJ/Collection' is enabled, GeoSign will utilize a Collection as the source. In this case, random objects from the collection are selected as sign components using the Random Seed.



However, there's a somewhat special aspect here. You might have noticed there are two source selectors for '(Curve) Collection': '(Curve) 1_Collection' and '(Curve) 0_Collection'.

These are primarily used for generating signs with two different text styles.

(simultaneously containing neon signs and regular signs)

But be cautious – if you intend to use this feature, ensure your object configurations are correct. '(Curve) 1_Collection' must contain curve objects without filled faces, while '(Curve) 0_Collection' should contain curve objects with filled faces. The order of these two objects in the collection must be the same.



The corresponding text objects must be placed in the collection in the same order.

<aside> 💡 These settings can be a bit complex, so I recommend using the Text Tool for creating and automating the setup. With the Text Tool, you don't need to worry about these rules, as the feature takes care of all setup automatically. (I usually use this method to create signs myself.)
